There are No Do-Overs

There are No Do-OversWhen you find yourself standing at the pearly gates at the end of your life, rest assured that St. Peter is not going to ask if you would like a do- over.  He will not be persuaded to give you another try at life no many how many regrets you have or how many items are still left on your bucket list.  You only get one life so make it count.  Do your best to make sure you live it to the fullest.  Everyone deserves to realize their full potential.

For starters, don’t be complacent.  Don’t settle.  Don’t think you have to continue down the same road long after you realize that you have taken a wrong turn.  Fear is our worst enemy.  We worry about what will happen if we make a change.  Will we wish we hadn’t?

Do you dread getting out of bed in the morning?  Does the short walk from your bed to the bathroom feel like the green mile?  Many people complain that they hate their jobs but few are willing to take a chance and pursue a new opportunity.  Is it better to stay in a job you hate and spend your life unfulfilled or should you try something new?

You can dip your toes in the water and explore new possibilities by starting a side hustle.  You can try something part-time without quitting your day job.  It is possible that your side hustle may eventually become a significant source of income.  Many people have used this model to build eventual full-time businesses.

If there is something you have been meaning to do, take a step toward doing it.  If there is an idea that has been swimming around in your head, go ahead and explore it.  You never know where it might lead.  Forever is a long time to live in regret.  Forever is a long time to be unhappy.

At the end of your life, there are no do-overs.

Tiny StickLady



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